Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Restless: A Prose Poem

  1: lacking or denying rest : uneasy  <a~night> 2: continually moving : unquiet :  <the~sea> 3: characterized by or manifesting unrest esp. of mind <~pacing> ; also changeful, discontented  (Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 1062)

  Wanting to accomplish something, starting a project, then putting it down because it did not satisfy the urge to do something; then the feeling comes back, you start something new, but it's not worth it again, and the cycle then repeats itself.

  The strange sensation that something is not right and you have to fix what is broken, but you don't know what is broken or how to fix the hole.

  A tugging of you heart that longs to lead you to ab unknown place.

  Lying in bed constantly switching sides because you can't get comfortable and you're neither tired nor awake.

  Waiting for a change that is going to happen in your life and wanting but not being able to slow it down or speed up the process.

  A wandering of the mind.

  The feeling of boredom combined with a yearning for something more.

  The realization that God is trying to tell you something if you could only stop wandering to listen.

  The feeling of certain doom in your heart while your head applies logic to tell you there is no certain doom, leaving you only still with the feeling of doom but with no grounds and no reason to tell anyone your crazy feelings of an upcoming emotional desert. 

  The quiet whisper of God drawing you close and telling you to rest in Him.


  1. It appears I missed this post. Good conclusion. Reminds me of what St. Augustine said, “Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.”

    1. Oooh, I like that quote. Thanks for sharing, Bethany!
