Today, I am praising God for the blessings and opportunities He has given me this semester.
I am taking an independent study where I am essentially working on my novel and have direct access to a professor who's writing I admire and who has amazing experience.
Then an internship just fell into my lap. A proofreading and social media internship with Ratio Christi, an apologetic campus ministry whose goal is to provide Biblical truth to the hard questions students come across in college.
Normally it would be too late in the school year to get academic credit for the internship, but God was kind and because the system is changing there is a grace period and I am allowed to enroll late.
My younger sister is a freshman at my school and I love having her near to talk to, hug, quote movie lines, and laugh with.
I have an amazing roommate that loves me and takes care of me, we share an apartment with two other wonderful girls, and I love the homeyness a living room and kitchen provide.
God has been so good to me. Not only because of all of these good things in my life, but because He is in my life and He is good.