Saturday, December 21, 2013


  This October I went to my first writing conference. It was such a wonderful time full of wonderful people, workshops, knowledge, and excitement for writing.

  I learned so much from the many workshops I was able to attend, but I think the best was the marketing workshop. I learned that you MUST have a target audience when marketing your book, or anything for that matter. The speaker used Coca-Cola as an example. They used to target their drink to "the new generation", but when they realized older people were buying it too, they switched their slogan to include their other buyers and sales dropped. This is just some of the amazing information I learned.

  My favorite part of the weekend, though, was being surrounded by people who had the same passion as I did: sharing the gospel through writing. Some of were into fiction and others non-fiction. Some were unpublished, a few were already successful writers. But no matter what our specific interest or level of expertise, we could talk to anyone about writing and encourage each other. I have always had a few friends who have shared my love for writing, but never have I been surrounded by so many Christians who want to glorify God through their writing. It is an experience I found at the Breathe Writing Conference that I never want to miss again.

  If you are interested in the Breathe Writing Conference in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area, check out their website!

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