Friday, March 7, 2014

Not Ready

   I am not ready to leave yet.

   I am not ready to say goodbye to my family.

   I am not ready to leave the mountains and hills.

   I am not ready to say goodbye to my friend that is moving.

   I am not ready to kiss goodbye the newborn in my church I only just met.

   I am not ready to start school again.

   About a week and a half ago, I was filling out my planner. I didn't notice it at first, but then I saw that on Friday I wrote, "Fly home." And on Monday, a week and three days later I wrote, "Fly home."

   When I am at school, I am never ready to leave for breaks.

   I am not ready to say goodbye to my friends.

   I am not ready to leave the vast Michigan sky.

   I am not ready for my writing classes to end.

   Instead, I will trust that though I am not ready, God is ready. In Michigan I will enjoy the people and sky before me until it is time to go to Vermont. And in Vermont I will look at my mountains and spend time with those I love until it is time to return to school.

   I am not ready to leave, Monday. But God is, and He will help me.

   And I will trust in His timing for when to stay and when to depart from my different homes.